Infographic about Structured Teaching
An infographic about structured teaching I designed for an assignment in my ‘Early Intervention and Teaching Approaches’ (EAINTA) module.
Tri-fold Brochure
A tri-fold brochure I created to inform parents on the purpose of assessment for an assignment in my ‘Assessment of Young Children’ (AOYCHI) module.
Take-home Activity
Take-home Activity I made for an assignment during my Internship.
Take-home Activity Worksheets
Drawing ‘cross’ and ‘triangle’.
Child trying the take-home activity.
Arts & Craft
Arts & Craft session I planned and implemented for an assignment during my Internship.
Child painting the elephant.
Child brushed paint on his hand and was fascinated with using his hand to smear the paint.
End product of the elephant the child made during the Arts & Craft session.
Circle Time
Circle Time I planned and implemented for an assignment during my Internship.
Circle Time Slides
Deck of PowerPoint Slides I made to assist me in conducting circle time.
Circle Time Activity
Materials for the activity done during circle time.
Child identifying the colours of the house cutout and offering to help me paste it on the board.
Child matching the pictures of their face and their family members’ faces to the respective cutouts.
Numeracy Learning Centre Activities
Numeracy learning centre activities I created for an assignment for my ‘Practicum 1’ (PRAC2) module during my apprenticeship.
Floor Plan for Preschool with Infants and Toddlers
A floor plan for a preschool with infants and toddlers I designed for an assignment for my ‘Effective Learning Environment for the Young Children’ (ELEFYC) module.
A newsletter I created using Words for an assignment in my 'Aesthetics & Creative Expression' (ACREXP) module.
A preschool graduation concert poster I created using Canva for an assignment in my 'IT Applications' (ITAPPN) module.
Story-telling Props
Some props I made to assist in story-telling for an assignment in my 'Language & Literacy' (LNGLIT) module.
These props are made to assist in the story-telling of the book "Time for a Bath" - Phillis Gershator.
Teaching Resource
A teaching resource I made for an assignment in my 'Motor Skills Development' (MSDEV) module.
This resource is to be used to help children develop and further improve their pincer grasp as they play with this resource.
Photo Essay Video
This is a photo essay video I did in February 2018, on the 'Discrimination Against Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)', for my ‘General Education’ (GenED) module.
*Click here to watch the video*
(Watch the video using the link above, or scroll down to the video player below)